Bus stations and stops

Bus station stands

Bus shelters


Timetable information

Bespoke timetable information is provided at more than 6,000 bus stops and shelters across Tyne and Wear, helping 1.1 million people to plan their journeys.  Real Time Information terminals have also been introduced at selected bus stops and more are planned to be installed in the future.


Cleanliness at our shelters and stops is important to us with an average of 226 stops being cleaned and maintained every day. We’re also committed to continually improve waiting facilities for our customers and every year shelters across Tyne and Wear get either renewed or replaced.  Bus shelters in the City of Newcastle are cleaned and maintained under a separate agreement with the council.


Over 66 CCTV cameras have been installed at selected bus shelters to date and our plan is to install a further 70.  Regrettably, despite the number of CCTV cameras in operation, vandalism can still occur occasionally.  If you see a shelter that has been vandalised please let us know and we’ll ensure it is repaired as soon as possible.  You can call the shelter hotline on 0191 203 3365 or email [email protected] - we’d be happy to pass any reports on to the necessary contractor. 

Bus stations

Around 30 million passengers each year use the 17 bus stations and transport interchanges located across Tyne and Wear. Of these, Nexus manages:

  • Four major bus stations - Eldon Square and Haymarket in Newcastle, Park Lane in Sunderland and Gateshead Interchange – these are used by over 11 million passengers a year
  • Three Metro interchange stations - Four Lane Ends, Heworth and Regent Centre – these are used by about two million passengers a year
  • Eight smaller bus stations - Wallsend, Jarrow, North Shields, South Shields, Washington Concord, Hetton-le-Hole, Blaydon and Winlaton – these are used by a further eight million passengers

Bus stations at the MetroCentre, Washington Galleries and Killingworth are owned and managed by other companies but Nexus provides the bus service information.


Over recent years we have upgraded and refurbished older facilities, improving lighting and increasing CCTV coverage.


We try to ensure all our bus stations are well maintained, are cleaned daily, and that they provide a safe and pleasant environment for our customers with high standards of lighting and CCTV security where possible.


Our bus stations at Eldon Square, Four Lane Ends, Haymarket, Gateshead and Sunderland Park Lane are staffed by Customer Assistants or evening security staff seven days a week .


Nexus is proud to be part of the Leisurewatch scheme. This provides training and support for our staff to help them recognise concerning behaviour and act to stop it, making our public spaces safer for all of us.

© 2024 Nexus Tyne and Wear - Public Transport and Local Information.