The Consultation Document

The Consultation Document is the key document in the statutory consultation process. It has been developed in accordance with the relevant legislation (section 125 of the Transport Act 2000 (as amended)) and comprises of six sections:

  • An introductory letter. This letter, sent to all statutory consultees, outlines the requirements of section 125 of the Act and demonstrates how these requirements have been addressed in the Consultation Document.
  • The Quality Contracts Scheme (QCS) Proposal contains a detailed description of the proposed scheme, including an outline of the local services included and excluded from it, and the reasoning as to why it is believed the five public interest tests (outlined in subsection (1) of section 124 of the Act) are met.
  • The QCS Proposal appendices support the above document. They are available for download as individual appendices or as one document.
  • The Affordability Declaration. Completed by the Treasurer to the Integrated Transport Authority (ITA), this declaration confirms the funding required to implement the scheme can be provided by resources available to the Authority.
  • Consultation Direction and Guidance. This document details the approach to the consultation process and the date by which consultation responses must be received.
  • ITA resolution. The resolution passed by the ITA to proceed to statutory consultation on the QCS.
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