Filming and Photography

Camera crew filming

We regularly receive requests for filming and photography. They can vary from film production companies to local bus, rail or marine enthusiasts. Each request for commercial photography or filming will be considered on its own merits and an application form will need to be completed in all cases.


Personal Filming and Photography

We welcome all train enthusiasts and customers who wish to take videos and photos on system. Below is advice and guidelines set out in order to keep yourself and the rest of our customers safe.

We're happy for people to take 'family snaps' and selfies with phones or cameras while on stations or vehicles. Please act safely and sensibly when taking non-commercial content on our system. Any videos or photos taken must be for personal use only. 

If you want to take pictures or film as part of a larger project - including as an enthusiast - we ask that you get in touch first so we can make sure you work safely and get the most out of your time. 

Guidelines for filming 

  • Do not trespass on the tracks or any other area that is inaccessible to the rest of the public
  • Always stand behind the yellow line, away from the platform edge
  • Do not interfere with any of the signs or signalling systems which are vital to the safe running of Metro
  • Do not wear anything which is similar in colour to safety clothing as this could cause confusion to drivers and other employees
  • Do not climb on any structure or interfere with any of the platform equipment
  • Do not congregate in groups at busy areas of the platform especially where this may interfere with any employees duties
  • Any commercial content must be approved by Nexus
  • You cannot photograph CCTV or security systems
  • Please do not use flash photography as this can distract our Train Crew and create a severe safety hazard
  • We ask that you refrain from using bulky equipment and tripods as this can cause obstructions to other customers
  • Please respect fellow customers who may not want to be filmed. 

Filming of the following activities is not permitted on Metro, bus or Shields Ferry:

  • Smoking or intoxication
  • Fare evasion
  • Use of firearms or other weapons
  • Vandalism or graffiti
  • Assaults on customers or Nexus employees
  • Misuse of escalators or other Nexus property

Our priority is the safety and wellbeing of all our customers and employees using our services. Any person found taking photographs or filming on Nexus premises will be challenged by one of our team if that have concerns about safety or security. Nexus employees can use their judgement should they need to stop any filming or photography that could impact others safety and security. Please kindly comply with their requests. 


Professional/commercial filming and photography

If you are filming on behalf of a company/organisation then procedures are detailed below. It is imperative in all instances that approval is gained and a safety briefing is conducted before to any attendance on Metro, bus or the Shields Ferry, as we need to ensure your safety as well as our customers. 

Please follow the guidelines below:

  • Permission to film or take photographs at our Interchanges, on the Shields Ferry landings, at Metro stations, or onboard public transport must be obtained in writing from the [email protected]. Wherever possible we will try to accommodate filming and photo requests
  • To discuss photography and filming, please email [email protected]
  • Two weeks' notice is required so we can arrange for a Nexus team member to be present
  • Filming times are normally limited to off peak periods, Monday-Friday 9.30-4.30. Evenings and weekends will depend on team availability 
  • Filming or photography is NOT permitted on the roadway for safety reasons
  • Public Liability Insurance cover (£5m) is required. Copy of insurance certificate to be provided


Media enquiries 

Our Communications team provides a fast response for all media enquiries about Nexus and the services we provide - including requests for corporate photographs and film clips. 

We provide around-the-clock response on all operational matters on the Tyne and Wear Metro, the Shields Ferry and when there are major network issues affecting bus services. 

If you work for a media outlet and have an enquiry or request, please call us on 07767 837 795 or email [email protected].  

Click to view our recent news releases




Contact us

Speak to the Commercial Income Team at Nexus to find out more about commercial opportunities with Nexus and Tyne and Wear Metro.
0191 20 20 747
Commerical Income Team
Nexus House
33 St James' Blvd
Newcastle upon Tyne
© 2025 Nexus Tyne and Wear - Public Transport and Local Information.