A Penalty Fare is £100 plus the price of the full single fare applicable for your intended journey. However if it is paid within 21 days, the Penalty Fare is reduced to £50 plus the price of the single fare applicable.
- If you fail to pay the Penalty Fare you may be prosecuted. Conviction would result in a financial penalty being imposed.
Payment can be made
- Online at payments.nexus.org.uk
- Card payments can be made by calling our 24 hour automated payment line on 0191 8147699
- By post to: Customer Relations, Nexus House, St James Boulevard, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4AX. Please make your cheque or Postal Order made payable to 'Nexus', enclose your Penalty Fare Notice with payment
- On the spot payments ceased on the 30 October 2022.
Appealing against your Penalty Fare
You do have a right to appeal a Penalty Fare. This must be made in writing within 21 days, beginning with the day following the day on which the penalty fare is charged. You should include the following information:
- Your name and address
- Your Penalty Fare number
- Why you did not produce a valid ticket or another authority to travel.
- Time and place where your journey began.
- Time and place where your journey ended.
- Any further information you have to support your explanation.
Send your appeal to:
Penalties Services,
12 Deben Mill Business Centre,
Old Maltings Approach,
IP12 1BL.
Or appeal electronically at penaltyservices.co.uk
Conditions of Carriage
Our Conditions of Carriage document details your rights and obligations as a passenger when you travel on Metro.