Our reception desk at South Gosforth Metro Control Centre closed permanently from Monday 12 August.
We have been monitoring customer footfall for some time and due to very low customer use we have taken the decision to close and redeploy the team based there to support our customers as part of the wider Customer Relations Team. All the services provided by the reception team can be done online, by email, phone, post, or through the assistance of our employees on duty at bus and Metro stations.
By having more of the team supporting our wider Customer Relations Team we can provide a more efficient and effective service to our customers. We will be altering and improving some processes and asking our customers to interact with us in slightly different ways.
Please visit our Contact us page for information on how to get in touch with our Customer Relations Team.
Key information for customers:
To request a refund, please complete the online form or call us on 0191 20 20 747 (lines are open Monday-Friday, 9.00am-5.00pm).
Penalty fare payments
Penalty fare payments can be made online at Tyne and Wear Metro Penalty Fare online payment
You can also pay over the phone. Card payments can be made by calling our 24-hour automated payment line on 0191 814 7699.
Busking requests
All applications to busk on Metro must now be completed online here.
Making complaints
If you would like to make a comment, give us feedback or have a complaint please contact the Customer Relations Team:
Email: [email protected]
Complete the online form here.
By phone: 0191 20 20 747 (lines are open 9.00am-5.00pm Monday to Friday, except Bank Holidays).
Write to us: Customer Relations, Nexus, Nexus House, St James Boulevard, Newcastle, NE1 4AX.
Collecting lost property
For lost property telephone 0191 20 20 747 or email [email protected]
Filming form requests
For photography, filming and media requests contact the Customer Relations team on 0191 20 20 747 or email [email protected] Read more about it here.
Community notice boards
Email [email protected] with a proof of your notice for approval together with a list of stations you would like to use