Planning Liaison Policy

Nexus wishes to work with developers of significant sites in or near Tyne and Wear to ensure that public transport (and sustainable transport generally) is prioritised in their proposals.

Good provision for sustainable transport is often very cost-effective in the context of an overall project, as it can help developers to gain planning permission, and is also a significant boost to a site's marketability, whether for office, residential or commercial use.  All Tyne and Wear local authorities' planning policies provide strong support for sustainable transport accessibility.

We ask developers to contact us using the email address [email protected], at the pre-planning stage, to discuss how we can help you to ensure sustainable transport accessibility to your development site.  You can download a copy of our Planning Liaison Policy below.

Special note about tunnels
Nexus owns and operates the Tyne and Wear Metro light rail network, which includes significant underground tunnels in Newcastle, Gateshead and elsewhere.  Developers of any sites above or in proximity to the Metro tunnel alignments must contact us well in advance of design work.  This requirement also exists for construction work which does not require planning permission (eg foundation strengthening etc).  Please see Appendix 1 in the Planning Liaison Policy for more details.

Equally, for the 'overground' Metro network, developers of adjacent sites must contact us to discuss statutory requirements to prevent damage and minimise risk to our infrastructure.


© 2025 Nexus Tyne and Wear - Public Transport and Local Information.