Here's all the information you'll need to get around by public transport in Tyne and Wear if you're a student:
Planning your journey
- Use our interactive Live Travel Map to see the next bus, Metro, train and Shields Ferry times from every stop and station in Tyne and Wear and to plan your journey. Bus times are Real-Time where available - which means it's the time the bus is expected to actually leave your stop. Find out more about the Live Travel Map and Real-Time here.
- If you know the number of the bus you need, click here to find the timetable.
- Metro timetables are here
Tickets and passes
Finding the best ticket for you will depend on what type of transport you use.
- You can get discounts on adult fares when you're a student:
- If a season ticket isn't for you, Pop Pay As You Go might be. Find out more about Pop PAYG here.
There are other versions of Pop PAYG, giving you discounts on travel on Metro and the Shields Ferry and which can be used to pay for bus journeys:- If you're still 18, get a Pop blue card. Find out more about Pop blue here.
- And if you're aged 19 to 21, save with Pop 19-21. Find out about Pop 19-21 here.
And of course these passes aren't just valid for getting to and from college or university - you can use them at any time to get to nights out, a part-time job, go shopping - whatever you want.
Getting help
- Call Nexus Customer Services on 0191 20 20 747 (9am-5pm, Monday to Friday) for all public transport advice and information, or send them a query here.
If you're a student aged 18 or under, information about fares and tickets for you is here.