At Nexus, our people are our greatest asset, and therefore a great employee experience is fundamental to our success.
To support this, we have developed some key strategies which aim to ensure that Nexus is an attractive and inclusive place to work.
Our strategy is underpinned by strong values:
- Success - pursuit of success to be the best that we can be as professionals, departmental teams and as an organisation, so our people can reach their full potential.
- Integrity, transparency, fairness and honesty in our management, behaviours and communications.
- Passion and pride for our customers, our colleagues and for public transport.
- Respectful and supportive behaviour towards each other, our customers, our stakeholders and our community. Playing our individual part in the provision of a nurturing environment that is safe, healthy, supportive and inclusive promoting the well-being of our people.
- Driving opportunity and promoting an inclusive environment where innovation, creativity and curiosity are encouraged.
Nexus is committed to having a diverse and inclusive culture and will put the diversity and inclusion of all our customers and colleagues at the top of its corporate agenda.
People in Tyne and Wear should feel that the public transport supplied and operated by Nexus is accessible, safe and welcoming. Nexus will have a fully inclusive culture and a workforce that is diverse in nature and that is reflective of Tyne and Wear. Our strategy sets out the steps we will take to achieve this.
We publish an annual report stating our progress in this area. You can find the most recent copy below together with our Equality Objectives.
In addition, Nexus is subject to publication provisions under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement, as required under Section 54 of the Act, is attached below.