Nexus is a diverse organisation. We are a transport operator, infrastructure manager and policy setter for public transport across Tyne and Wear.
What we do, not only ensures that residents of Tyne and Wear can access work, education, leisure activities and health care, but we also support the wider policy objectives of the region, including economic regeneration, net zero:
To achieve this, we have developed a range of strategies which set out what we aim to do to improve public transport across the region. Our strategies set out how we will support the delivery of the North East Transport Plan - these can be found attached at the bottom of this page.
Click on this link to read our Transport Plan. In addition, we have worked with the North East Combined Authority to develop the Rail and Metro Strategy - click here to read about this.
All our strategies are underpinned by research, evidence and best practice, including an extensive programme of research we undertake with our customers. You can read more about our research and find out how you can join our insights panel by clicking here.
Our strategy action then forms part of our Corporate Business Plan. This plan details how we are going to achieve the objectives set out in our strategies and is approved each year by the Tyne and Wear Sub-Committee - see document attached below.