Planned changes to Nexus funded service 594

16 February 2024

What are we consulting about?
We are seeking customer feedback on our proposal to retime the 1720 trip on service 594.

Why are we considering changes to services?
Following a service performance review and customer feedback, we are proposing to retime the PM trip departure time from Doxford International.

What changes are we proposing?
Service 594 currently departs Doxford International at 1720 on a Monday to Friday. 
Following a service performance review and customer feedback, we are proposing to retime this trip to depart at 1740 in anticipation to better meet the needs of customers shift patterns.

How would customers be affected by our proposed changes?
The bus would depart Doxford International at 1740 on a Monday to Friday and operate approximately 20 minutes earlier throughout the route to Roker.
Existing customers travelling would depart approximately 20 minutes later than current at their stop location.

Your views?
This consultation is now closed.  We will be reviewing and considering all feedback received before making a final decision

All feedback received by Sunday 3 March 2024 will be taken into consideration.  Subject to feedback received, changes to bus services would then be introduced from Sunday 12 May 2024.

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