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PAYG on Metro

Pop Pay As You Go (PAYG) is the smart and exciting way to pay for public transport in North East England. Simply top up your Pop PAYG card and pay for your journeys as you make them.


Zones(s)SingleDaily Cap
One zone
(A, B, C, D)   
£1.80                     £2.90                       
Two zones
(A+B, B+C, C+D)
Three zones
(A+B+C, B+C+D)
Four zones

PAYG on Bus

Use the balance on your Pop PAYG card to buy your normal single, return or day ticket from the driver.

PAYG on Ferry

Use the balance on your Pop PAYG card to pay for single and day tickets on the Shields Ferry.

Metro Day Ticket

Day tickets allow unlimited travel on various forms of transport. Prices vary depending on the how many zones you're travelling in.

Up to three kids aged 11 and under can travel for free on Metro and the Shields Ferry, all day, every day when accompanied by a fare-paying adult.

Prices from 




One Zone£4.40 
Two Zones£5.60 
All Zones£5.90 


Bus day tickets

All the main bus operators offer a day ticket, which may save you money if you are making more than a return journey on their services in one day.

Ferry Day Ticket

The Ferry Day Ticket allows you unlimited travel on the Shields Ferry for a full day. Buy on board the ferry for £3.90.


Metro Single

Single tickets are valid on Metro, Shields Ferry* and on local rail services between Newcastle and Sunderland.


One Zone£2.80 
Two Zones£3.80 
All Zones£4.50

Bus single and return fares

You can buy single tickets direct from the driver, just state your destination when you board the bus.

Ferry Single

Valid for one journey.  Buy on board the ferry. 

Rail single and return fares

The single adult rail fare for journeys on Northern Rail services between Newcastle and Sunderland is £3.30.

Metro Season Ticket

Metro Season Tickets are available for one week, four weeks or a year and offers superb value if you’re a commuter or regular Metro user. It can be used at any time of the day for unlimited travel in the zones chosen. 


Zone(s)One WeekFour WeeksAnnual
One zone
(A, B, C, D)
Two zones
(A+B, B+C, C+D)
Three zones
(A+B+C, B+C+D)
Four zones

Corporate Metro Season Ticket

Our Corporate Metro Season Ticket scheme will help you make significant savings on your travel to work. 
Employers simply buy discounted annual Season Tickets on behalf of their staff and recoup the costs over the year from your salary. 



Corporate Metro Season TicketPrice
One Zone (A, B, C or D)£480
Two Zones (A+B, B+C or C+D)£630
Three Zones (A+B+C or B+C+D)£680
Four Zones (A+B+C+D)£790


Bus season tickets

If you travel frequently by bus, save money with a season ticket.

Ferry Season Ticket

Available for 1 or 4* weeks travel.  (*only available with a Pop card.) 

1 week£12.00
4 weeks*£45.00

Rail season tickets

If you’re a regular commuter from stations outside Tyne and Wear, you could save money by buying a weekly, monthly or annual season ticket.

Network One Travel Ticket

If you're travelling regularly on Metro and bus, or using buses run by different operators, save money with a Network One Travel Ticket.  These are now available on Pop cards, so you can touch in and out when you travel on Metro.

Pop blue

If you're aged 16-21 Pop blue is the easy way to pay for your Metro travel. A Pop blue card gives you special discounted fares on Metro that are much cheaper than buying adult Single or Day Tickets.


  Single All day 
All zones £1.00£2.20

Junior blue

Junior blue is the smart new way for young people aged 15 and under to pay for travel on Metro.  

Simply top up your Junior blue card and use it to pay for your journeys as you make them.

Bus single and day tickets for young people aged 21 or under

If you're 21 or under, save money on single and day tickets on buses.

16-21 Ferry Tickets

Simple and affordable new fares on the Shields Ferry for young people aged 16 to 21 with a Pop blue card.

16-21 Single Ticket16-21  Day Ticket

TNE 21 and Under Day Ticket

If you're 21 or under, save money on day tickets on buses, Metro, the Shields Ferry and local rail.

18 and Under Metro Season Ticket

Save money with an 18 and under Metro Season Ticket

The 18 and Under Metro Season Ticket is valid on the whole of the Metro system. You can get a ticket for either one or four weeks.  From 15 December 2024 you can also travel on the Northumberland Line with Junior blue. 

This ticket gives you 62% discount off an adult season ticket and is valid on the Metro, Shields Ferry and local rail services between Newcastle and Sunderland. It can also be used on the Quaylink Central Zone buses.

ZonesOne Week Four Weeks  
All Zone£9.50 £36.90 

Bus season tickets for 16-18 year olds

If you're aged 16-18, you can save loads of money with special tickets and passes from bus operators.

Bus student day tickets

Save money on day tickets on buses if you're a student.

Student Metro Season Ticket

Student Metro Season Tickets are available to students with a valid Student ID card and gives you 31% discount off an adult season ticket.


ZoneFour Weeks
Inner Newcastle£34.10 £380.50
Inner Sunderland£34.10 £380.50
All Zones£66.50 £497.00 

Bus student season tickets

Students can save loads of money with special tickets and passes from bus operators.

Network One Student and Young People Ticket

Young people aged under 19 and full-time students can save loads of money with a Network One Student Ticket. All Zone Tickets are now available on Pop cards, so you can touch in and out when you travel on Metro.

Metro Business Pass

With a Metro Business Pass staff can travel anywhere on the Metro system between the hours of 9.30am and 5.00pm, Monday-Friday.

Child bus fare

The fare for a single bus journey is 60p at any time, on any day if you have an Under 16 Pop card.

Child (Concessionary) Single Ferry Fare

One single (concessionary) journey on the Shields Ferry costs 60p or you can travel all day for £1.10 with a Child All-day Ticket (on all modes of transport) - you will need an Under 16 Pop card to buy both of these tickets.

Child rail fare

The fare for a single journey on Northern Rail services between Newcastle and Sunderland, and Newcastle and Metrocentre/Blaydon is 60p at any time, on any day if you have an Under 16 Pop card.

Under 16 Child All-day Ticket (U16 CAT)

Children with an Under 16 Pop card can travel on public transport in Tyne and Wear for just £1.10 a day with an Under 16 Child All-day Ticket (U16 CAT).

Metro Child Single

Children with an Under 16 Pop card can travel for the concessionary child single fare of 60p.
Children aged 5-15 who don't have an Under 16 Pop card travel for the commercial child single fare of £1.00.
You may be asked for proof of age.

Up to three kids aged 11 and under can travel for free on Metro and the Shields Ferry, all day, every day when accompanied by a fare-paying adult.

Metro Child Day Ticket

Unlimited travel on Metro for under 16s.

Up to three kids aged 11 and under can travel for free on Metro and the Shields Ferry, all day, every day when accompanied by a fare-paying adult.

Child Season Ticket

School Passes allow you to pay for school journeys in advance so there is no need to find change for fares every day.

Metro Gold Card

If you have an English National Concessionary Travel Pass (CT Pass), you can buy a Metro Gold Card which gives you unlimited travel on Metro, the Shields Ferry and Northern Rail services between Newcastle and Sunderland from 9.30am Monday-Friday, all day at weekends, on public holidays and throughout July and August.


Live in Tyne and Wear£12 a year
Live outside Tyne and Wear£24 a year

Concessionary bus fare

If you have a Concessionary Travel (CT) Pass, and live in Tyne and Wear you can travel free of charge on buses in Tyne and Wear from 9.30am Monday-Friday and all day at weekends and Bank Holidays.

Concessionary Ferry Fare

60p each single journey (you must have a Tyne and Wear Concessionary Travel Pass).  Ticket is valid 9.30am Monday-Friday and all day at weekends and public holidays.  You can travel free on the Shields Ferry if you have a Metro Gold Card (conditions apply*).

Concessionary rail fare

If you have a Concessionary Travel (CT) Pass, you can travel for 50p on Northern Rail services between Newcastle and Metrocentre/Blaydon from 9.30am Monday-Friday and all day at weekends and Bank Holidays.

Class and Youth Group Metro pass

The Class and Youth Group Metro Pass is valid for up to 40 students aged 18 and under and up to 10 accompanying adults travelling in a group. The Class and Youth Group Metro Pass is valid for travel on the whole Metro system and the Shields Ferry. You must be travelling in a group and after 9.00am.


Number of passesPer day Per term Annual 
One£33.10 £100.50 £258.50 
Two£52.30 £165.70 £458.60 

Companion Card

A Companion Card lets you take someone with you free of charge when you travel on buses in Tyne and Wear, County Durham, Northumberland and Darlington.

Magpie Mover

However you get to and from Newcastle United home games, only one travel ticket is valid on most buses, Metro, train and the Shields Ferry - the Magpie Mover Ticket from Network One, exclusively for Newcastle United season ticket holders.

Adult Transfare

You can buy a Transfare ticket when your journey includes travelling on more than one type of transport in Tyne and Wear, eg Metro and bus, or bus and ferry.

Child Transfare

Buy a Transfare ticket when you want to travel on two types of transport to make your journey in Tyne and Wear - if you don't have an Under 16 Pop card.

TNE Day Saver

Save money on day tickets on buses, Metro, the Shields Ferry and local rail for travel in County Durham, Northumberland and Tyne and Wear. 

Tyne and Wear Day Rover (Adult)

This adult ticket offers one day's unlimited travel within Tyne and Wear. 

Transport North East (21 and Under) Day Ticket

A TNE (21 and Under) Day Ticket gives one day's unlimited travel within Tyne and Wear.

Tyne and Wear (Family) Day Rover

This ticket offers one day's unlimited travel within Tyne and Wear.

Explorer North East - Adult

Offers a whole day's unlimited travel in Tyne and Wear and beyond.

Explorer North East - Child

Valid for children (aged 15 and under) at a concessionary price and offers a whole day's unlimited travel in Tyne and Wear and beyond.

Explorer North East - Family

Explorer North East family ticket is valid for a family of one or two adults and up to three children (aged 15 and under) for a whole day's unlimited travel in Tyne and Wear and beyond.

Children under five

Accompanied children aged under five travel free on all public transport in Tyne and Wear.

Bridge Card

Nexus, in partnership with bus operators and the 5 local authorities in Tyne and Wear are introducing the Bridge Card to anyone who may need additional support whilst travelling.

Add on ticket

This ticket allows you to add a different zone(s) to your Metro Season Ticket or Student Season Ticket for one day. Ideal if you wish to travel beyond the validity of your ticket.



One Zone£4.40 (From 1st April 2024)
Two Zones£5.60 (From 1st April 2024)
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