Planned changes to service 333

22 July 2021

What are we consulting about?
We were seeking views about a planned change to the route of service 333 in the North Shields and Tynemouth area.

Why are we considering changes to this service?
Travel patterns have been affected by the pandemic.  In response, we are considering changes to the route of service 333 which would improve connections between North Shields Ferry Landing and Tynemouth, to help cater for the growing leisure market between these locations.

What changes are we proposing?
We are planning to change the route of service 333 to instead operate between North Shields Ferry – Tynemouth Broadway via North Shields Town Centre, the Fish Quay (Clifford’s Moat) and Tynemouth.  The service would continue to operate every 30 minutes during Monday – Saturday daytimes with arrivals and departures at North Shields Ferry Landing timetabled to link with Ferry arrivals/departures as now.


How would customers/residents be affected by these changes?

  • New direct bus link between North Shields Ferry Landing, the Fish Quay (Clifford’s Moat) and Tynemouth
  • Bus stops on Bird Street, Charlotte Street and at Clifford’s Moat would be served in both directions offering new links from these locations to/from Tynemouth and faster links to/from North Shields Town Centre/Ferry Landing
  • The Fish Quay (between Borough Road – Clifford’s Moat) would no longer be served – the nearest alternative bus stops would be on Borough Road, Saville Street/Charlotte Street or at Clifford’s Moat
  • Linskill Terrace and King Edward Road would lose direct link to/from North Shields Ferry Landing but travel to/from North Shields Town Centre would still be available with Arriva’s service 306
  • In North Shields Town Centre the service would instead serve Bedford Street in both directions – replacing the current stops on Howard Street (towards Broadway) and Northumberland Square/Rudyerd Street (towards the Ferry Landing)
  • Buses would travel up to every 30 minutes, Monday – Saturday daytimes via Tanners Bank (this road is not currently served by regular bus services)
  • The planned changes would be introduced in September/October 2021 (subject to feedback/comments received)

Your views
Before we make a final decision, we wanted to hear what you think about our plans.  

The consultation was open from 22 July until 11 August 2021. This consultation is now closed, the feedback report and new timetable are attached below.




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