Concessionary rail fare

    Valid on:

However, if you need to travel before 9.30am in order to get to a hospital appointment, just show your hospital appointment card or letter with your CT Pass when requested, to travel for 50p.

If you don't have a Concessionary Travel Pass, or you are travelling before 9.30am Monday-Friday, you must pay the full adult fare.

Tyne and Wear residents who are disabled and attend work or college for at least 15 hours a week can apply for an all day Concessionary Travel Pass. If you have one of these, you can travel for 50p on Northern Rail services between Newcastle and Metrocentre/Blaydon all day every day.

You can use your Metro Gold Card to travel on Northern Rail services between Newcastle and Sunderland after 9.30am Monday to Friday and all day at weekends, on public holidays and during July and August. If you need to travel before 9.30am in order to get to or from a hospital appointment, just  show your hospital appointment card or letter with your CT Pass and Metro Gold Card when requested. If you have an All Day CT Pass, you will be  able to travel on Northern Rail services (between Newcastle and Sunderland) all day free of charge too, with a Metro Gold Card.

For full details about how to apply for a CT Pass, click on the appropriate link below:

Concessionary Travel for Tyne & Wear residents aged over 60
Concessionary Travel for Tyne & Wear residents who are disabled

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